Summer jobs #employtheyouth

Summer jobs in Finland are one of the gateways to the Finnish labor market. These have served as an opportunity for a lot of people to realize their career goals.

As part of our dedication to creating employment opportunities in our region, the aim of our #employtheyouth campaign is to get students and/or graduates in our region absorbed in the labor market – especially during the summer as we believe this will help bridge labor shortage.

Through summer jobs, you can exhibit your skills and talent whilst learning on the job to develop your competency. Now is your turn! This is your time and chance! Surf through the listed offers by our participating companies and apply for a job. Keep your eyes on this page as the list will be updated with available opportunities.

Good luck in your job search!

Company Application period ends    Age limit
Pouttu Oy, Kannus 30.4. hires also under 18 yo


Do you speak Finnish or Swedish? Check out more summer job opportunities here in Finnish and here in Swedish.